Celebrating the wonders of wildflower habitats
The Meadowsong song cycle is a musical journey through the beautiful and fascinating habitat of a wildflower meadow – from the deep, dark, secrets of the soil to the vibrant colours, sounds and scents of a meadow buzzing with creatures. It is a celebration of the power of the earth to sustain our wildlife, of habitats that give life to so many organisms, and of the interconnectedness of all living things.
The piece, commissioned by Haringey, was performed by a massed choir from 52 primary and secondary schools alongside borough instrumental ensembles at Royal Albert Hall and Finsbury Park in summer, 2018.
A National Primary Schools Programme
in collaboration with RSPB and WWF
The Meadowsong project aims to give children across the country the opportunity to experience the beauty and wonder of the wildflower habitat and its wildlife. Through the power of song, outdoor learning, the Arts, Science and English, Meadowsong offers an immersive learning experience that gives children and teachers the opportunity to support biodiversity in creative and active ways.
Meadowsong teacher training days and resources support primary teachers to stage a musical performance, plant a wildflower area at school and deliver a rich programme of classroom and outdoor learning as part of the Yr 3 plants topic.
Following the success of the Meadowsong cross-curricular pilot in 2019, a national project for primary schools was launched in collaboration with the RSPB and WWF. In Spring 2020, local authority area training days were delivered to primary teachers and music leads in Northampton, Warrington, St Helen’s, south Cornwall, Peterborough, North Lincolnshire, Bedford and Leicester. We hope to be able to deliver training days in additional regions across Britain in Spring 2021.
Feedback from the 2018 Royal Alber Hall concert:
“Thank you once again for your fantastic composition. It made such a wonderful impression, worked so beautifully and inspired so many people”.
“Your songs Kate are absolutely amazing and the children were so enthused and inspired by singing them. I do hope we get to work together again soon.”
“It was an amazing night. Well done to you! The choir loved every minute. We would love to work with you again soon!”
Feedback from teachers about the 2020 Meadowsong project training days:
Feedback about the 2019 Meadowsong project:
“I felt with the assembly and the planting of the meadow it was probably the best day I’d ever had at the school.”
“My favourite song is the Riddle Song because most of my favourite flowers are there, in the song”
“It’s made me into a more adventurous person.”
“When we sing them and when we create stuff with the nature it feels like we are actually nature… cos’ we are, we all live on the same planet because that’s what biodiversity is all about.”
Meadowsong artwork by Sophie Charalambous.